
Core Abilities

新澳门六合彩开奖记录's goal is to prepare students to live and work in a dynamically changing world by emphasizing student growth and lifelong learning. Through experiences both in and out of the classroom, students will be given the opportunity to develop critical skills needed to succeed in life, known as Core Abilities.

In keeping with our institutional mission and vision, 新澳门六合彩开奖记录 promotes the development of the five key Core Abilities. The Core Abilities are supported by general education program learning outcomes, academic program learning outcomes, and student support services learning outcomes.

Learn more about the Core Abilities and their indicators by clicking on the accordion topics below or by downloading this file: Core Abilities and Their Indicators

Work Cooperatively


  • Learner demonstrates the ability to act cooperatively and effectively in a diverse environment
  • Learner demonstrates respectful interpersonal skills with working with others
  • Learner provides and accepts constructive feedback
  • Learner contributes to a group with ideas, suggestions, and effort
Think Critically & Solve Problems


  • Learner demonstrates the ability to research, evaluate, interpret, synthesize, and apply knowledge across contexts
  • Learner demonstrates the integration of culturally and aesthetically-based knowledge and understanding of problem-solving activities
  • Learner demonstrates the integration of mathematically and scientifically-based knowledge and understanding into problem-solving activities
Process Information


  • Learner identifies, locates, and uses appropriate technology and informational tools for research purposes
  • Learner gathers required information
  • Learner selects, synthesizes, and organizes information
  • Learner evaluates and documents sources
Model Ethical & Civic Responsibility


  • Learner accepts responsibility for his/her learning
  • Learner demonstrates respect for the rights, views, and work of others
  • Learner exhibits personal and academic honesty
  • Learner exhibits responsibility in personal, civic, professional, and educational environments
Communicate Effectively


  • Learner applies appropriate reading, writing, speaking, new media, and active listening skills to express information, ideas, and opinions
  • Learner uses appropriate technology that supports or facilitates communication
  • Learner communicates effectively, appropriately, and professionally in verbal, nonverbal, and written forms